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Grassroots NW

Tualatin Riverkeepers — Tigard, Oregon

MissionTualatin Riverkeepers (TRK) is a membership based organization working to protect and restore Oregon’s Tualatin River system.  TRK builds stewardship through recreation, education, community collaboration and advocacy.

Tualatin Riverkeepers (TRK) is a nonprofit organization working to protect and restore Oregon’s Tualatin River System.  Core projects include nature education, habitat restoration, paddle trips and advocacy.  Over 20+ years TRK has engaged 10,000 people in volunteer-led paddle trips. TRK is now working to restore nearly 250 acres of floodplain habitat on the Tualatin River, protecting water quality, reducing flooding and creating homes for wildlife.  Each year volunteer naturalists lead 1,000 kids on nature field trips and summer day camp programs operate in Tigard, Sherwood and Hillsboro.

Consulting Role (1995-present):  Served as consultant to develop membership recruitment program and grantwriter (1995-1996); grant revenues secured provided for hiring of first paid staff members; acted as first Executive Director (1996-1999); volunteer chair of Fundraising Committee; ongoing consulting support with grantwriting and direct mail fundraising appeals.

“With Bill’s guidance we became stronger and more effective – we grew from being an all-volunteer organization with 50 members to one with permanent staff and 600 members.  Our strategic and development action plan attracted significant resources to better achieve our mission for watershed protection”.
– Sue Marshall, former President and Executive Director, Tualatin Riverkeeper